
The fortunes of the Wagner laboratory over the years of its existence have been largely determined by the skills and energy of the dedicated Post Doctoral Fellows, Graduate Students and Undergraduates who collaborated in the research.

Below is a picture of a group of Fellows and Graduate Students, primarily from the early years of the laboratory, who gathered at Yale for reminiscences on October 4, 2014.

The following is a more inclusive list of those who contributed to the laboratory during some period between 1959 and 2012. Many will be recognized as having achieved notable careers in behavioral science. (Apologies for any unintended omissions).

Hasan G. Bahcekapili: Lecturer, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ali Banuazizi: Professor of Psychology and Political Science, Boston College.

Joan C. Bombace: Professor of Psychology, Quinnipiac University, deceased.

Susan E. Brandon: Chief, HIG Research Committee, FBI.

Robert T. Brown: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, University of North Carolina, Wilmington.

Brooks Carder: Principal, Carder & Associates LLC, California 

Helen B. Daly: Professor of Psychology, University of Rochester, deceased.

Michael Davis: Robert W. Woodruff Professor, Emeritus of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Emory University.

Michael J. Detke:  Professor of Psychiatry, Indiana University.

John C. Dolan: Teacher, The Harley Private School, Rochester, New York.

Nelson H. Donegan: Lecturer in Psychology, Yale University.

Carol S. Dweck: Lewis & Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology, Stanford University.

Lynn Eldridge: University of California, Los Angeles, retired, Canmore, Alberta.

Gaylord D. Ellison: Professor of Psychology, University of California, LA, deceased.

Michael F. Ewing: Attorney, Adelman Hirsch & Newman LLP, Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Wilma J. Ezekowitz: Clinical Psychologist, Hamden, Connecticut.

Peter W. Frey: Professor of Psychology and Computer Science, Emeritus, Northwestern University

William A. Falls: Professor of Behavioral Psychology, University of Vermont.

Allen Sumi Funayama: Assistant Professor of Psychology,University. of Hawaii, Manoa.

Jonathan C. Gewirtz: Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota.

Daniel A. Gottlieb: Assistant Professor of Psychology, Sweet Briar College.

Anthony Greenwald: Professor of Psychology, University of Washington.

Veronica E. Grimm: Lecturer in Classics, Yale University, retired.

Karl F. Haberlandt: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, Trinity College.

James H. James: Laboratory Director, AT&T, retired.

Stephanie L. Betts Jameson: Ivorytown, Connecticut.

Richard V. Krane: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, Arcadia University.

Shannon Kundey: Assistant Professor of Psychology, Hood College.

Mark B. Larew: Senior Human Factors Engineering, Indesign LLC.

Taekwan Lee: Principal Researcher, Laboratory Animal Center, Daegu, Korea.

Lindsay A. Levine: Professor of Psychiatry, University of Alabama Center for Psychiatric Medicine.

Robert E. Lubow: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus,Tel Aviv University.

James E. Mazur: Professor of Psychology, Southern Connecticut State University.

Kenneth A. McNish: Senior Director, Pulmonary Division, Grifols Inc.

Karyn M. Myers: Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard University.

James H. Neely: Professor of Psychology, University of Albany.

Thomas T. Norton: Professor of Vision Sciences, University of Alabama.

Michael S. Paletta: Sales Representative, Genomic Health, Pennsylvania.

Penn L. Pfautz: Access Management AT&T, Middletown, New Jersey.

Eva Popperova (Janovjakova): retired, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Trevor R.P.Price: Price & Price Practices of Psychiatry, Bryn Mawr, PA

Judy Primavera: Professor of Psychology, Fairfield University.

Steven Reiss: Professor of Psychology & Psychiatry, Emeritus, Ohio State University.

Jerry W. Rudy: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, University of Colorado.

Patricia M. Ruzgis: ABT-SRBI Research, New Jersey.

Maria Saavedra: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, University of Chile.

Barbara Sanders: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, University of Connecticut.

Patricia E. Sharp: Professor of Psychology, Bowling Green State University.

Linda S. Siegel: Professor of Psychology, University of British Columbia.

Shepard Siegel: Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, McMaster University.

Barry Setlow: Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville.

John H. Talbott: Graduate Student, University of Iowa, deceased

Tomita Tatsuhiko: Professor of Psychology, Waseda University, Japan.

Earl Thomas: Professor of Psychology, Bryn Mawr College.

William S. Terry: Professor of Psychology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte.

Natalie Tronson: Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan. 

Edgar H. Vogel: Professor of Psychology, Talca University, Chile.

Bradley Walonick DeYoung: Web Marketing, Artlab, San Francisco.

Harvey P. Weingarten: President/Vice Chancellor, University of Calgary.

Jesse W. Whitlow Jr.: Professor of Psychology, Rutgers University, Camden.